The Centre for the Resolution of Intractable Conflict (CRIC) was established in 2013 to facilitate research, teaching and training, seminars and conferences, and direct engagement in situations of political violence and long-standing community conflict in various parts of the world.
Since 2015 CRIC has been a recognized centre of the Department of Politics and International Relations and is a partner with the Centre for International Studies. The four Founding Fellows of CRIC also have appointments with the School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography. Various other multidisciplinary collaborations across the University of Oxford, and with universities, think tanks and centres in other parts of the world, are an essential feature of its work.
The approach taken by the Centre is guided by the principles that theoretical advancement must be based on the evidence emerging from direct involvement on the ground with communities in conflict; that resolving long-standing conflicts can be assisted by the thoughtful application of lessons learned from studying the experiences of communities that have suffered similarly; and that multi-disciplinary perspectives are essential, especially, but not exclusively, psychology, social anthropology, political science and the study of religion.
Lord Alderdice, Scott Atran, Richard Davis and Harvey Whitehouse are the four Founding Fellows of CRIC. Patrons, Fellows and Associates are also appointed to help the work of the Centre.
For more information about CRIC visit the CRIC website at, or contact the Director of the Centre at