The Oxford Network of Peace Studies (OxPeace) is a multi-disciplinary initiative to promote the study of peace, peacemaking, peacebuilding and peacekeeping at the University of Oxford. It organizes lectures, seminars, and short training courses in mediation and negotiation, and has held an annual Conference each May since 2009. OxPeace is an associated programme of the Centre for International Studies in the Department of Politics and International Relations (DPIR). OxPeace runs two maillists, local and worldwide, which publicize OxPeace events and other related notices. OxPeace looks toward the establishment of posts in Peace Studies, and particularly a Chair, at Oxford.
The OxPeace Steering Committee comprises scholars, students and practitioners from a variety of disciplines. Members and advisers include professors Richard Caplan, John Gledhill, Andy Gosler and Federica D’Alessandra; Lord Alderdice, Dr
Annette Idler, Dr Isabella Bunn, and research fellows and graduate students. The Convener is Dr Liz Carmichael (St John’s College; Theology and Religion).
Patrons of OxPeace: Rt Hon Lord Patten of Barnes, Chancellor, University of Oxford; José Ramos-Horta; Rt Hon. Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury; President Jimmy Carter.